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Class 10 Science Syllabus with NCERT Solutions for Term 2 CBSE Board Exams

class 10 science syllabus for term 2 exam

Class 10 science chapters for term 2 CBSE Board exams are listed here with the corresponding NCERT Solutions and notes designed for the examination. Here we have composed all the notes and created questions and answers of all the science chapters which are part of Term 2 CBSE Board exam 2021-22. As it is evident from the past news of CBSE that the Board exam of class 10 and class 12 is split up into two exams Term-1 and Term-2 for the time being, the same schedule might be carried on 2022-23 also. CBSE has not finalized yet that the examination pattern in Term 2 would be of MCQ types or subjective type, therefore CBSE has decided to launch question papers which are a mix of both types of questions MCQ and subjective types.

Now the students are not needed to worry because already they have experience of tackling the MCQ questions, chapters are very selected so they can easily study by following a revised cycle on a weakly basis that enables them to do the questions in which explanation is necessary.

For the preparation of class 10 Term-2  Exam, here students are needed to go through the NCERT solutions, last year’s question papers, and sample papers with solutions. Continue preparation of the exams of Term 2 CBSE Board in this way lead them to achieve excellent marks.

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Class 10 Science Syllabus with NCERT Solutions for Term 2 CBSE Board Exams


(a) Periodic Classification of the Elements- In this chapter you will study the concept of the few scientists who contributed in the heiarchy of the classification of the elements. Doberiner is first scientist who arranged the elements in the increasing order of their atomic masses and found the triads of elements in which second element was the average of first and third element.

Link-Notes and NCERT Solutions

(b)Carbonic and its Compounds:The chapter is about the different kinds of carbonic compounds ,basically the carbonic compounds are classified into two kinds

(a)Saturated hydrocarbon : In these hydrocarbon carbon carbon atoms are bounded by single bond.Since four balance electrons are completely shared by other atoms,so these hydrocarbons are known as saturated hydrocarbon. IUPAC names of these hydrocarbons are known as alkanes.

(b)Unsaturated hydrocarbon:In these hydrocarbons four balance electrons are not completely shared by other atoms,so carbon carbon atoms has to share 2 or 3 electrons by the formation of double or triple covalent bonds. IUPAC names of double bond hydrocarbons are known as alkynes and IUPAC names of triple bond hydrocarbons are known as alkenes.

Link-Notes and NCERT Solutions


(i)Electricity: This chapter gives an idea about electrical energy,the definition of the electric current,the relationship between charge and the electrical current,what is the voltage and its relation with the current,electrical energy and power.

Link-Notes and NCERT Solutions

(ii)Magnetic Effect of Electrical Current: In this chapter you will study about the interaction between electrical field and magnetic field.You will study here Flayming’s left hand rule and its application in the electrical motor and Flayming’s right hand rule and its application in the production of the electricity.

Link-Important Notes


(a) How do organisms reproduce: In this chapter you will study the types of the reproductions in plants,animals,protozoa,fungi and algae.

Link-Notes and NCERT Solutions

(b)Heredity and evolutions: In this chapter, you will study the laws of inheritance discovered by Gregor John Mendel.The concept of evolution in the organism. The purpose of this chapter is to develop the concepts for improving the breeds so that mankind maximizes production with quality.

Link-Notes and NCERT Solutions

(c)Natural Resources: The chapter provides an idea about the management of natural resources since some of the natural resources on the earth are very limited, humans are required to use them by conserving them until other alternatives could be explored.

Link-Notes and NCERT Solutions

You can also get help with the following notes for boosting your preparation for the science Term 2 CBSE Board exam

Heating effect of the electric currend its application in the life

What is a potential difference across an electric field ?

Complete detail of electrical resistance and conductance

What is the difference between the soap and the detergent ?

Ozone Layer and How it is Getting deplteted.

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Chapter 5- Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry Chapter 13-Surface Areas and Volumes
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Chapter 1-Matter in our surroundings Chapter 9- Force and laws of motion
Chapter 2-Is matter around us pure? Chapter 10- Gravitation
Chapter3- Atoms and Molecules Chapter 11- Work and Energy
Chapter 4-Structure of the Atom Chapter 12- Sound
Chapter 5-Fundamental unit of life Chapter 13-Why do we fall ill ?
Chapter 6- Tissues Chapter 14- Natural Resources
Chapter 7- Diversity in living organism Chapter 15-Improvement in food resources
Chapter 8- Motion Last years question papers & sample papers

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Chapter 1-Real number Chapter 9-Some application of Trigonometry
Chapter 2-Polynomial Chapter 10-Circles
Chapter 3-Linear equations Chapter 11- Construction
Chapter 4- Quadratic equations Chapter 12-Area related to circle
Chapter 5-Arithmetic Progression Chapter 13-Surface areas and Volume
Chapter 6-Triangle Chapter 14-Statistics
Chapter 7- Co-ordinate geometry Chapter 15-Probability
Chapter 8-Trigonometry

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Chapter 1- Chemical reactions and equations Chapter 9- Heredity and Evolution
Chapter 2- Acid, Base and Salt Chapter 10- Light reflection and refraction
Chapter 3- Metals and Non-Metals Chapter 11- Human eye and colorful world
Chapter 4- Carbon and its Compounds Chapter 12- Electricity
Chapter 5-Periodic classification of elements Chapter 13-Magnetic effect of electric current
Chapter 6- Life Process Chapter 14-Sources of Energy
Chapter 7-Control and Coordination Chapter 15-Environment
Chapter 8- How do organisms reproduce? Chapter 16-Management of Natural Resources

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Chapter 5-Complex numbers Chapter 13- Limits and Derivatives
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Chapter 8- Binomial Theorem  Chapter 16- Probability

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