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Difference between Atom and Ion: Class 9 CBSE Science

Atom is the smallest indivisible particle of the matter which can’t exist independently, atoms can’t be broken out in a chemical process, it is evident from the law of conservation of the mass which states that the mass of the reactants is always equal to the mass of products that concludes atoms are neither created nor finished in a chemical reaction. Ions are the charged particles that are formed after atom losses or gains electrons for maintaining the inert gas structure if the atom losses electrons then negatively charged ions are formed and if the atom gains electrons then positively charged ions are formed.

different between atom and ion

Difference between Atom and Ion: Class 9 CBSE Science

What is the difference between Atom and Molecule?

Table of content

  • What is an atom?
  • What is an ion?
  • Application of ions in real life
  • The difference between atom and ion

What is an atom?

The atom is the tiniest particle of a substance that can not exist independently, therefore we can say that atom is the smallest building block of matter. Since an atom is an unstable particle therefore it either forms a molecule by the combination of two or more atoms or forms an ion in order to gain inert gas electronic configuration. Atoms were created after the explosion of the big bang in the universe.

Atom is made of electrons, protons, and neutrons. The number of electrons, protons, and neutrons is different from atoms of matter to matter. The number of negatively charged particles and electrons is equal in number to the positively charge particle protons so the atom is neutral. The protons and neutrons are located at the centre of the atom called the nucleus and electrons revolve around the nucleus in different discreet orbitals. The quantity of positive charge at the nucleus is represented by the number of protons which is called the atomic number, so no. of electrons, atomic number, and the number of protons are the same in number,it is that’s why the atomic number of an element shows the chemical nature of the element.

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What is an Ion?

Ions are formed after atom losses or gains electrons to acquire an octet in its outermost orbital. The number of protons and number of electrons are different in ions, if the number of protons is more than the number of electrons then net charge of ion is positive and if the number of electrons is more than the number of protons then net charge of the ion is negative.

Application of ions in real life:

Have you rubbed a plastic scale on your hair and taken the rubbed portion of the scale near tiny pieces of paper, you would have seen these small pieces of paper stuck to the scale. It happened because atoms of scale lose electrons by rubbing it on the head and acquired a positive charge, in this case, some of the positively charged ions are formed on the rubbed portion of the scale.

Why does the battery of the inverter need water: The battery of the inverter consists of concentrated acid, so for ionization, it needed to be diluted, this dilution provides two types of ions positive and negative ions, negative ions drift towards the positive electrode and positive ion drift towards negative electrode that makes the flow of the current to the circuit connected to the inverter when charging to the inverter is closed.

Difference between Atom and Ion : Class 9 CBSE Science

Atom Ion
Atoms are neutral Ions are charged particles
Atoms don’t exist independently Ions exist independently in the solution
Atoms are unstable Ions are stable
Number of protons are equal to the number of electrons Number of protons are not equal to the number of electrons
Outermost orbit electrons may have or not octet or duplet Outermost orbit electrons  have complete octet or duplet
They combine to form a molecule They combine to form an electrovalent bond
Atoms don’t have electrostatic force between them Ions  have electrostatic force between them
Two different atoms belongs to same element or different elements combine to form molecule . Two different charged ions combine together form an electrovalent bond.

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