Here are Class 10 CBSE chemistry notes available for the students who face difficulty in understanding Chemistry questions of class 10 science NCERT textbook. The e-book contains all NCERT solutions of the questions within the pages and of back exercise of the class 10 NCERT science textbook accompanied by the solutions of the few questions from the last year’s question papers. All the answers of CBSE Class 10 Chemistry notes are written by an expert teacher of the science as per the norms of CBSE. The solution of each question is explained beautifully so that it could be accessed by the class 10 students.
Content of the e-book
1.Chemical Reactions and Equations- NCERT solutions (28)
2.Acid, Base and Salts- NCERT solutions (34)
3. Metals and Non-Metals -NCERT solutions(31)
4.Carbon and its Compounds -NCERT solutions(29)
5. Periodic Classification of Elements-NCERT solutions(23)
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