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Addition,Subtraction,Multiplication and Division of Integers Class 6

Addition,Subtraction,Multiplication and Division of Integers

Addition,Subtraction,Multiplication and Division of Integers Class 6

Addition,Subtraction,Multiplication and Division of Integers are very important for the students of junior middle class to understand all of these before they switch over to other maths problems.

The integers is a set of numbers which are complete in itself,means they are not part of any numbers like fractions(i.e 1/2.2/3 etc) or shurds(i.e √2,√3,3√3).Integers are of two kinds positive integers and negative integers.0 is also included in Integers,the Integers whose magnitude is less than zero are known as negative integers like -1,-2,-3,-4……etc,and the Integers whose magnitude is greater than zero are known as positive integers like 1,2,3,4……,etc.

Addition,Subtraction,Multiplication and Division of Integers

The use of Integers in our daily life

Every day we use the Integers in our daily life,when we are ascending from a point,then it forms a set of positive Integers and the point of reference is known as zero.On the same way if we are descending from that point of reference,then it forms a set of negative Integers.
As an example the altitude of a place above the ocean level is represented by positive integers,and surface of the ocean as a zero then the depth of ocean will be represented by negative integers.
Another example the water starts to freez at 0°c whose integral value is 0,when it become cooler and cooler then the magnitude of all the corresponding integral values of temperature will represent set of negative integers.On the same way if water is going to be heated then all the corresponding integral values of temperature will represent set of positive integers.

Addition,Subtraction,Multiplication and Division of Integers Class 6

Addition of Integers:(i) Two similar signs are always added Example:-1 and -2 are added as following
Example:-1 +(-2) =-3
We can directly write it -1-2=-3
(ii)When two numbers are added with dissimilar signs then the integer with lower magnitude is always subtracted from the integer with higher magnitude but the sign attached to the integer should always be of the integer whose magnitude is higher.
Example:The addition of -8 and 5
-8 +5 = -3 (the sign of the number 3 is – because 8>3)

Subtraction of numbers:(i)Two positive integers are subtracted from higher positive integer to lower positive integers.
Example:Subtract 8 from 10
10- 8 =2
But if it is said subtract 10 from 8,then it should also follow the same rule of addition.
8 -10 = -2(- sign of indicates that 10 >8)
(ii) Subtraction of negative integer from a positive integer
Example:Subtract -8 from 5
5 -(-8) =5 +8 =13[the product of – and – is +]
(iii) Subtraction of negative integer from a negative integer
Example:Subtract -8 from -5
-5 -(-8) =-5 +8 =3[the product of – and – is +]
(iv)Subtraction of positive integer from a negative integer
Example:Subtract 8 from -5
-5 -8 =-13

Multiplication and Division of Integers:Multiplication and Division follows the same rule.
Example:Multiplication of a positive integer and negative integer
The product of -8 and 2
-8 x 2 = -16(- x +=-)
Example:Multiplication of two negative integers
The product of -8 and -2
-8 x -2 = 16(- x -=+)
Example:Division of a positive integer and negative integer
The product of -8 and 2
-8 / 2 = -4(- / + or +/-=-)
Example:Division of two negative integers
The product of -8 and -2
-8 /-2 = 16(- / -=+)

Addition,Subtraction,Multipication and Division of Integers

Explore basic math concept: If still you are unable to clear the concept of Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division of Integers, a key for students transitioning from grade 5 to 6.Certainly! Here’s a brief explanation of how addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division work with integers:

What are integers:Integers are a set of numbers that includes all positive, negative, and zero values on the number line.

Addition,Subtraction,Multipication and Division of Integers

Addition,Subtraction,Multipication and Division of Integers

To address this problem, teachers may consider implementing the following strategies:

Interactive Learning: Use interactive teaching methods such as group activities, educational games, and practical applications of mathematical concepts to engage students and maintain interest in the subject.

Individual attention: Give individual attention to struggling students, identify their specific challenges, and tailor teaching methods accordingly. This may include providing additional teaching, guidance or additional resources to increase their understanding.

Use of technology: Use educational technology tools and software that can make learning mathematics more interactive and fun. This can include educational apps, online tutorials or interactive simulations to demonstrate complex concepts in a simple way.

Encouraging critical thinking: Encouraging critical thinking and problem-solving skills is essential to making a classroom environment beautiful. Present students with real-life scenarios where they can apply mathematical concepts, fostering their ability to think logically and analytically.

Regular assessment: Use regular assessment to monitor students’ progress and identify any gaps in their understanding of fundamental concepts. This can help provide timely intervention and additional support when needed.

Professional development for teachers: Provide continuing professional development opportunities to keep teachers up to date with the latest teaching practices and resources in mathematics education.

It is important to understand that each student has a different learning style and pace. By incorporating these strategies, teachers can create a supportive and engaging learning environment, which will help students build a strong foundation in mathematics and promote their overall academic development.

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