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NCERT Solutions of class 9 science chapter 13-Why do we fall ill ?

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NCERT Solutions of class 9 science chapter 13-Why do we fall ill?

ncert solutions chapter 13-class 9 sciience

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 13 Why do we fall ill render students of class 9 with precise answers for every one of the questions mentioned within the pages of the textbook and in the back exercises.  NCERT  solutions are the most important for Class 9  CBSE board exams and internal assessments of the school. Here, students are furnished with accurate study material, the NCERT Class 9 Science Solutions that are executed by subject specialists with exhaustive information regarding the matter. Alluding and addressing these solutions would be somehow the most ideal approaches to pass assessments and score excellent marks.

These NCERT Solutions are created ingenuously with the utilization of an effectively intelligible language for Class 9 students. This assists them with understanding the concept of the topic in accordance with advancing a new way of learning the ideas. The NCERT Solutions given are evaluated by the master of the subject and are solved as per the CBSE norms for class 9 standard to score excellent marks in the CBSE board exam.

The NCERT Solutions of science chapter 13 help the students in getting acclimated with the chapter. These solutions are effectively practicable and totally impeccable with step by step method to comprehend solutions in the most improved way. The revision cycle of these Solutions is quite possibly the most appropriate procedure to get excellent marks in the exams.

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NCERT Solutions of class 9 science

Chapter 1- Matter in Our Surroundings        >

Chapter 2-Is Matter around us Pure              >

Chapter 3-Atoms and Molecules                      >

Chapter 4-Structure of the Atom                     >

Chapter 5-The fundamental unit of Life       >

Chapter 6-Tissue                                                   >

Chapter 7-Diversity in Living Organism      >

Chapter 8-Motion                                                 >

Chaper 9-Force and Laws of Motion             >

Chapter 10-Gravitation                                      >

Chapter 11-Work and Energy                           >

Chapter 12-Sound                                                >

Chapter 13-Why do we fall ill                          >

Chapter 14-Natural Resources                       >

Chapter 15-Improvement in Food Resources >

PAGE 178

Q1. State any two conditions essential for good health.

Ans. Two conditions essential for good health are

(i) Clean environment

(ii) State of mentally, physically fitness, and social well beings

Q2.State any two conditions essential for being free of disease.

Ans.Two conditions essential for being free of disease

(i) To live in a pollution-free environment

(ii) Immunization against infectious diseases.

Q3. Are the answers to the above questions necessarily the same or different. Why?

Ans. The answers to the above questions necessarily be not the same because there are other factors also responsible for good health, like underweight, overweight due to bad eating habits, hormonal imbalance, etc. Further, humans are social creatures hence interaction in society also contributes to his health.

Page 179

Q1 List any three reasons why you would think you are sick and ought to see a doctor. If only one of these symptoms were present, would you still go to the doctor? Why or why not?

Ans. We think we are sick if have

Loss of appetite, dysentery, and headache but we don’t visit a doctor with these symptoms because still, we can work but

If these symptoms are continued for a long duration then we should go to visit a doctor

Q2.In which of the following case do you think the long-term effects on your health are likely to be most unpleasant?

If you get jaundice

If you get lice

If you get acne. Why?

Ans. Long-term effects of jaundice on our health are likely to be most unpleasant because it affects our liver and may results in liver carcinoma a type of cancer in our liver.

Page 180

Q1 Why are we normally advised to take bland and nourishing food when we are sick?

Ans. We are normally advised to take bland and nourishing food when we are sick because during the sickness our body doesn’t function properly, all the processes like digestion, absorption, and respiration become slow and as a result, there is a loss of energy in our body. Therefore we should take bland and nourishing food which contains vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrate for producing energy which can be digested and absorbed properly.

Q2.What are the different means by which infectious diseases speed?

Ans. There are different means by which infectious diseases can spread from an affected person to an individual such as:

Air – Common cold, cough, TV, and pneumonia spread from one person to another when affected person sneeze or cough, the droplets released in the air contains microbes, these droplets inhaled by another person and get infected.

Water – The contaminated water contains excreta of the affected person, such contaminated water posses microbes when it associates with another person he gets infected by the same disease.

Physical contact – When one person is in physical contact with another by the way of touching, kissing, the transmission of blood, or transfers of other body fluids as an example in sexual contact.

Vector: The mosquitoes, flies, etc carrying microbes can sit anywhere and get infected when these carriers (vector) bites the skin of individuals or sit on the foods we eat and thus transfers the microbes into our blood.

Q3.What precautions can you take in your school to reduce the incidence of infectious diseases?

Ans. Some of the precautions that we can take in our school to reduce the incidence of infectious diseases are:

(a) Trying to stay away from students who are infected.

(b) Covering mouth and nose while coughing and sneezing.

(c) keeping the school environment clean so that there are no multiplication vectors.

(d) Consuming the same aqua guard water.

Q4.What is immunization?

Ans. The method to boost our immune system with the help of vaccines that help the body to fight against infectious diseases is called immunization.

Q5.What are the immunization programs available at the nearest health center in your locality? Which of these diseases are the major health problems in your area?

Ans. The immunization programs available at the nearest health centers are Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR), Polio vaccine, Jaundice, Diptheria, Pertussis, and Tetanus (DPT), Typhoid, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis A.

From above typhoid and jaundice are the major health problems in our area


Q1. How many times did you fall ill in the last one year? What were illnesses?(a) Think of one change you could make in your habits in order to avoid any of /most of the above illnesses.

(b) Think of one change you would wish for in your surroundings in order to avoid any of /most of the above illnesses.

Ans. I fell ill thrice in last one year. I suffered from dysentery, diarrhea, and then typhoid.

After suffering from these diseases I started to drink purified water of RO and wash my hands with soap before eating the food.

I will avoid living in such an area where people dump waste food items in an open area so I will settle in the area where a neat and clean environment exists.

(b) Most of the diseases are born due to contaminated water and polluted air, so I will make pure water available for the people and arrange a separate dustbin in our society so that everyone could live in a healthy society with a neat and clean environment.

Q2.A doctor/nurse/health worker is exposed to more sick people than others in the community. Find out how she/he avoids getting sick herself/himself. 

Ans. All medical workers avoid getting sick herself/himself by using the following steps.

  • Wears gloves and mask
  • Wears neat and clean cloths
  • Maintains personal hygiene
  • Sterilizing the workplace by using phenyl
  • Drinks purified water
  • Holds sterilized medical equipment
  • Keep themself covered with cloth when they attend an infected person.

Q3. Conduct a survey in your neighborhood to find out what the three most common diseases are. Suggest three steps that could be taken by your local authorities to bring down the incidence of these diseases.

Ans. The following three are the most common diseases in the neighborhood:

Cold and cough, loose motions, and malaria.

Some of the preventive measures that can be taken are:

(b) By drinking fresh, uncontaminated, and clean water.

(b) By maintaining hygienic-sanitary conditions.

(c) By educating people about various preventive measures with the help of posters, and pamphlets.

Q4.A baby is not able to tell her/his caretaker that he/she is sick. What would help us to find out

(a) That the baby is sick

(b) What is the sickness

Ans. (a) The symptoms like dysentery/diarrhea, vomiting, fever, continue crying, rashes on the skin, irritation, decrease in weight. Anyone one or more of these symptoms reveals that the baby is sick.

(b) The symptoms like dysentery/diarrhea, vomiting, fever, continue crying, rashes on the skin, irritation, decrease in weight, the laboratory test under the supervision of a doctor checks the cause of these symptoms. The diagnosis of the child describes the sickness.

Q5.Under which of the following conditions is a person most likely to fall sick?

(a) when she is recovering from malaria.

(b) when she has recovered from malaria and is taking care of someone suffering from chickenpox.

(c) when she is on a four-day fast after recovering from malaria and is taking care of someone suffering from chickenpox. Why?

Ans.(a) She is suffering from malaria, after few days of treatment when started to recover, due to fasting of few days her immune system becomes weak, if precaution is not taken he is more vulnerable to have other diseases.

(b) When she has recovered from malaria and is taking care of someone suffering from chickenpox,due to weak immunity his body is unable to fight against the infection, so she has chances to get infected by the chickenpox.

(c) when she is on a four-day fast after recovering from malaria and is taking care of someone suffering from chickenpox, food is taken by us also prevents us from many diseases, four days of fasting makes her immune system weak, in this stage if he takes care of chickenpox, he may have chances to get infected by the chickenpox.

6. Under which of the following conditions are you most likely to fall sick?

(a) when you are taking examinations.

(b) when you have travelled by bus and train for two days.

(c) when your friend is suffering from measles. Why?

Ans. When my friend is suffering from measles, I also have chances to get infected, since the side effects of measles are fever, cough, and sneezing, the droplets in the air inhaled by someone cause to spread the disease.

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