Class 10 Important Science Notes For CBSE Board Exams in Hindi and English - Future Study Point

Class 10 Important Science Notes For CBSE Board Exams in Hindi and English

Class 10 Important Science Notes Updated for 2023-23 CBSE Board Exams Hindi and English Medium

Class 10 Important Science Notes For CBSE Board Exams in Hindi and English

Class 10 Important Science Notes For CBSE Board Exams in Hindi and English are created here for Hindi and English medium students of CBSE . All Class 10 Important Science Notes For CBSE Board Exams in Hindi and English will help the students to get excellent marks in science papers for the CBSE Board exam 2022-23. these class 10 Important Science Notes Updated for 2022-23 CBSE Board Exam for Hindi and English Medium students to boost their confidence for the exam The science important notes are explained here in such a way every student can understand them. All the important science notes for 2022-23 Hindi and English mediums are turned out by an experienced science CBSE teacher in order to help all class 10 science students of CBSE.

Class 10 Important Science Notes Updated for 2023-23 CBSE Board Exams Hindi and English Medium


Importance of Class 10 Science Notes For CBSE Board Exams in Hindi and English

The science Important notes in Hindi and English are required to be studied deeply for attaining the depth of the subject because it is going to be expected that CBSE might have designed science questions based on the basic concepts of each topic, so students need some extra important science notes which are based on the application of science in real life.CBSE would have prepared the questions that are destined to measure the logic, reasoning, aptitude and intelligence level of the students in science.

We have prepared these science notes keeping in mind the difficulties faced by class 10th students in studying science through Hindi and English medium. All Science Notes of Class 10th Hindi and English Medium are very important because most of the questions in the science question paper in CBSE Board Exam 2022-23 will be asked with reference to these science notes.

FAQ’s On  Class 10 Science Notes For CBSE Board Exams

Frequently Asked Questions

Q:I am not able to understand what to study? and what not to study?

Solution: Breathe a sigh of relief, visualize and let the positive signal inward. Find your positive points, whatever topics or content you have understood so far are your positive points. Try to understand that you are on this site to solve your problems, here you are getting an opportunity to rejuvenate your mind by studying these Science Notes in Hindi.

Q:Which topics in class 10 science do you need an extra study?

Solution: While all chapters in Class 10 Science are important as questions can be asked from any of them, it is advisable to give extra practice to the following chapters: Chapter 4, Chapter 6, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, and Chapter 13. Devoting additional time and effort to these chapters can help you reinforce your understanding and improve your performance in the exams.

Q:I have completed NCERT Solutions but now unable to understand what I have to study now?

Solution:Congratulations on completing the NCERT Solutions! Now, you can further enhance your preparation by studying these science notes and referring to the solutions of previous years’ question papers. You can find the links to these resources below, which will provide you with additional practice and insight into the exam pattern. Utilizing these materials will help you consolidate your knowledge and build confidence for the upcoming CBSE board exams.

Q: What should I study for Class 10 Science CBSE board exams?
A: It’s normal to feel overwhelmed when deciding what to study for your Class 10 Science CBSE board exams. To make things easier, start by taking a deep breath and calming yourself. Focus on the positive aspects and recognize the topics or content you have already understood. Consider this website as a resource to help you overcome your difficulties and rejuvenate your mind by studying these Science Notes in Hindi.

परीक्षा के लिए उपयोगी science notes Class 10 CBSE

हमारे शरीर का अन्तःस्रावी तन्त्र (Endocrine System or Hormone System of Our Body)

विद्युत प्रतिरोध क्या है?What is Electrical resistance?

धातुओं की सक्रियता श्रेणी क्या है इसके उपयोग बताइए?

आसमान में बिजली और गड़गड़ाहट का कारण क्या है?

विद्युत विभवांतर क्या है?What is Electric Potential Difference?

ओजोन परत का क्षय कैसे हो रहा है?

विस्थापन और द्विविस्थापन अभिक्रियाएँ

प्रकाश का वर्ण विक्षेपण और प्रकीर्णन क्या हैं?What is dispersion and scattering of light?

प्रकाश का परावर्तन और अपवर्तन क्या है?

विद्युत धारा का तापीय प्रभाव क्या होता है?

आयनिक (ionic)और सहसंयोजी(covalent) यौगिकों के बीच अंतर

संक्षारण(corrosion) और विकृतगंधिता(rancidity) क्या है ?

एक पारितंत्र में खाद्य श्रृंखला और खाद्य जाल

Class 10 Important Science Notes For CBSE Board Exams

How to Balance the Chemical Reaction :Class 10 Chapter 1 NCERT

Important salts class 10 CBSE sceience notes

Why do calcium and magnesium float on the surface of the water?

Functioning of Soda-Acid Fire Extinguisher

What is DDT?

What are Corrosion and Rancidity ?

Chemical properties of Acid and Bases-A note for grade 10 students

What is pH value and its importance in everyday life.

Type of Chemical Reactions with Complete detail

What are the physical and chemical properties of metals?

Extraction of metals as per the activity series

Trends in the property of element from left to right and up to down in the modern periodic table.

Ionic and covalent compounds and the difference between them

What is the difference between the soap and the detergent ?

Class 10 chemistry Viva Voce Questions and Answers for CBSE Board 2020-21

What is the importance of hormones?

Male and Female Reproductive System: Complete Anatomy for Grade 10 Students

The structure and anatomy of the Heart

Human digestive system structure and function

What is the difference between the homologous and analogous structure of organs

Modes of reproduction used by single organisms-Asexual reproductions

Anatomy of the Human brain-Class 10 CBSE

Ozone Layer and How it is Getting depleted.

Food chain and food web in an ecosystem

What is the difference between virtual and real images?,

Image formation by Convex and Concave Mirrors,

Difference between Convex and Concave lenses,

Refraction of light through a glass slab.

Why does the sky look blue?,

Why does the Sun appear reddish in the evening and morning: Complete Detail

Reflection, Refraction, Dispersion, and Scattering

Why do the star twinkle?

Image formation by Convex and Concave Lenses,

What are the refractive index, relative refractive index, absolute refractive index, critical angle, and internal reflection?,

Human Eye – Structure and functions 

Myopia, Hypermetropia, and Presbyopia

Electric Current and Heating effect of Electric Current

What is a potential difference across an electric field ?

Complete detail of electrical resistance and conductance

Class X Science Important notes of chapter 12-Magnetic effect of electric current-I

Class 10 Physics Viva Voce Questions for CBSE Board 2020-21

The study of science requires a deep understanding of important concepts in both Hindi and English. To grasp the subject matter thoroughly, students must delve into these scieconcepts, as it is anticipated that CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) may design science questions based on fundamental principles from each topic. Consequently, students would benefit from additional science notes that highlight the practical application of science in real life.

CBSE is likely to formulate questions that gauge students’ logical thinking, reasoning abilities, aptitude, and intelligence in the field of science. Our science notes have been meticulously prepared, taking into consideration the challenges faced by 10th-grade students studying science in Hindi and English mediums. These notes are extremely valuable as a majority of the questions in the CBSE Board Exam 2022-23 science paper will be directly or indirectly related to the concepts covered in these science notes.

Class 10 Science CBSE previous years Question papers with solutions and important questions and answers

Download the PDF of class 10 U-like Science Questions and Answers for Term2- 2022 CBSE Board Exam

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Solution of Class 10 Science Question Paper Preboard 2021-22:Term 2 CBSE Board Exam

Solutions of Class 10 Science Sample Paper Term-1 2021-22 CBSE Board

Class 10 Science Sample Paper for Term 2 CBSE Board Exam 2021-22 with Solution

Solutions of Class 10 Science Question Paper Preboard Examination (First) 2021 -22 Class 10 Science

CBSE Class 10 – Question paper of science 2020 with solutions

CBSE class 10 -Sample paper of Science 2020

CBSE 10 class most important questions of science

CBSE X class science updated 70 most important questions for the board exam 2020

You can download Chapterwise NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science

Download Science NCERT Solutions PDFs for Class 10 Updated for 2022-23 CBSE Board Exam

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science

Chapter 1- Chemical reactions and equationsChapter 9- Heredity and Evolution
Chapter 2- Acid, Base and SaltChapter 10- Light reflection and refraction
Chapter 3- Metals and Non-MetalsChapter 11- Human eye and colorful world
Chapter 4- Carbon and its CompoundsChapter 12- Electricity
Chapter 5-Periodic classification of elementsChapter 13-Magnetic effect of electric current
Chapter 6- Life ProcessChapter 14-Sources of Energy
Chapter 7-Control and CoordinationChapter 15-Environment
Chapter 8- How do organisms reproduce?Chapter 16-Management of Natural Resources
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