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NCERT Solutions of Class 9 Science

NCERT Solutions for class 9 science


NCERT Solutions of Class 9 Science: Chapter 1 to Chapter 15 help all students of science and the candidates who are pursuing a competitive entrance exam in clearing all doubts right away and in a more effective way. These NCERT solutions for class 9 science from chapter 1 to chapter 15 is a  guide for all students of class 9 CBSE in clearing important concepts of science prescribed by CBSE  for the Class 9 Science syllabus.

Students studying in Class 9 are needed to comprehend the questions of exercise that are included in the NCERT textbook to create a legitimate comprehension of each topic.While tackling the NCERT textbook questions, students often find doubts and face problems in solving them. The NCERT Solutions for Class 9 prove to be useful at such critical times, NCERT Solutions of class 9 incorporate exact clarifications and scientific answers to those questions. These CBSE Class 9 Science NCERT Solutions cover answers of all questions mentioned within the pages and of back exercise of the chapters like Matter, Atom, Tissues, Living Organisms, Motion, Force, Laws of Motion, Gravitation, Energy and work, Sound, Natural Resources, and so on.

Here the NCERT solutions of each chapter are along with answers to the  NCERT science textbook questions, here you can find  additional questions, important questions, the important questions from question papers and sample papers, worksheets, MCQ’s, the technics of solving maths and science questions in the exam, e-books of science and maths solutions designed for CBSE board exam

Tips for the students for achieving extra marks

  • Study all NCERT solutions of the questions which are mentioned within the pages of each chapter and of back exercise.
  • Study sample papers and solutions of last year’s question paper that will give you an idea of the type of questions asked in the exam and the way of solving them.
  • Revise the NCERT solutions and solutions of important questions periodically, in a weekly or monthly cycle.
  • Check yourself by solving the sample paper or a set of unsolved questions.
  • During the examinations do the questions first whose answers you know perfectly, don’t leave any questions, try to solve all questions in the time slot.

The NCERT solutions are the best tool for the students to prepare for CBSE board exams, here the NCERT solutions of each chapter of class 9 science are given.

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NCERT Solutions of class 9 science 

Chapter 1-Matter in our surroundings Chapter 9- Force and laws of motion
Chapter 2-Is matter around us pure? Chapter 10- Gravitation
Chapter3- Atoms and Molecules Chapter 11- Work and Energy
Chapter 4-Structure of the Atom Chapter 12- Sound
Chapter 5-Fundamental unit of life Chapter 13-Why do we fall ill ?
Chapter 6- Tissues Chapter 14- Natural Resources
Chapter 7- Diversity in living organism Chapter 15-Improvement in food resources
Chapter 8- Motion Last years question papers & sample papers

CBSE Class 9-Question paper of science 2020 with solutions

CBSE Class 9-Sample paper of science

CBSE Class 9-Unsolved question paper of science 2019

Chapter 1- Matter in Our Surroundings

Chapter 2-Is Matter around us Pure

Chapter 3-Atoms and Molecules

Chapter 4-Structure of the Atom

Chapter 5-The fundamental unit of Life

Chapter 6-Tissue

Chapter 7-Diversity in Living Organism

Chapter 8-Motion

Chaper 9-Force and Laws of Motion             

Chapter 10-Gravitation                                      

Chapter 11-Work and Energy

Chapter 12-Sound                                                

Chapter 13-Why do we fall ill

Chapter 14-Natural Resources

Chapter 15-Improvement in Food Resources

 NCERT Solutions of Class 9 Science 

Chapter 1- Matter in Our Surroundings

In this world all the living things and non-living things are made of the matter, matter is the thing that occupies space and has mass,matter is made of particles,matter is found in 3 natural states Solid, Liquid, and Gas in the earth but if we include the whole of the universe, it is found in 4 states and the fourth state is plasma, the plasma consists of a highly charged particle, this is the state which is achieved in the noble gas bulb-like neon, helium, Crypton, when electricity is allowed to flow through noble gas bulb, the atoms of gas highly charged give the sign of glow.5 th state of the matter is created by the man , scientist at the joint institute for lab aerophysics cooled a sample of rubidium to within a few degrees of absolute zero,at his much low temperature, the kinetic energy is not transferred from one atom to another, atoms begin to clump together and build a singularity of atoms known as Bose-Einstein condensate,recently scientist also have created other states of the matter.

three states of the matter


Here in this chapter 1-Matter in our surrounding, you will study the characteristic of the particles like particles of the matter moves, these particles have space between them, there is a force of attraction between the particles of matter, interconversion of states of the matter through the process of melting solid changes to liquid, latent heat of fusion,the process of condensation changes the vapor to liquid and process of changing a liquid to vapor is known as vaporization, the vapourization of the liquid takes place through the two kinds of processes one is evaporation and another boiling. The evaporation is affected by surface area exposed to atmosphere, heat, and humidity. Evaporation of liquid provides a cooling effect.

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Chapter 1-Matters in Our Surroundings

Chapter 2-Is Matter around us Pure

The matter around us exists in an impure and pure form, the pure form of the matter has a different type of particles as the mixture of water and lemon, soil and water, alloys, etc. The pure form of the matter has identical particles as for example water, oxygen, iron, etc. The impure (mixture) form of the matter is subdivided into a homogenous mixture and a non-homogenous mixture. A homogenous mixture is a mixture in which its components are dissolved to one another is known as a solution as an example air, water, and lemon, a non-homogenous mixture is a mixture in which all the components are not dissolved to one another. The non-homogeneous mixture is further subdivided into Colloid and Suspension, colloid is the mixture that looks like a homogenous mixture but actually is a heterogeneous mixture as example milk, the suspension is a non-stable mixture, after some time its particles settle down at the bottom as an example mixture of soil and water. Here in this chapter, the students will learn a phenomena Tyndall effect, the ways of separation of mixtures, compounds and their properties, the difference between compound and mixture, the difference between physical and chemical change.

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Chapter 2-Is Matter around us Pure ?

Chapter 3-Atoms and Molecules

The small particles that we have studied in chapter 1 are known as atoms and molecules, the matter is made up of. The present theory of atoms based on John dalton’s 5 postulates of atomic theory, the atoms are the tiniest indivisible particle of the matter that can’t exist in an independent state. Atoms are the building blocks of the matter. Molecules are the smallest particle of the matter that can exist independently and shows properties of the matter. The molecules of the matter are made of two or more than two atoms, the number of atoms a molecule is composed of known as the atomicity of the molecule as an example the atomicity of hydrogen gas is 2, the atomicity of phosphorous molecule is 3, atomicity of sulphur is 8, atomicity of carbon dioxide is 3.Ions are the charged particles and on the basis of charge on them they are of two kinds anion(-ion) and cation(+ion), anions are formed when atom gains electrons and cations are formed when atom losses electrons.On the basis of the number of atoms an ion is composed of , ions are of two kinds monoatomic ion generated from the single atom as an example H+ and polyatomic ions that are created by two or more atoms with the sharing electrons and has net charge as an example  CO3-2 . Here in chapter 1 you will study the valency of an element, the difference, between atoms and molecules, atoms and ions, compounds and elements,the formation of the chemical formula.

carbonate ion


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Chapter 3-Atoms and Molecules

Chapter 4-Structure of the Atom:

The chapter 4-Structure of the atom is based, on the composition of the atom,the scientist were inspired from the John Dalton’s posulates of atomic theory and proposed different theories of their atomic models.J.J Thompson proposed a theory that atom of matter is just like a water melon in which electrons are embedded on the surface of atom as seeds are embedded on the edible part of watermelon ,the edible part is supposed as the positive charge and the seeds as an electron and whole of the atom is neutral but this theory couldn’t explain the chemical properties of the elements and compound, ultimately Rutherford, a Newzealand born British scientist proposed an atomic modal after his experiment of alpha particle scattering, he concluded from this experiment that electrons revolve in their orbital around the nucleus of the atom,mass of the atom is centered at the positively charged nucleus ,maximum portion of the atom that is between nucleus and orbital is empty but it was found that  electron being negatively charged will radiate energy and after losing energy it will collapse at the nucleus and finish the atom but atom is a stable particle. Later on, Neil’s Bohr modified Ruther Ford’s theory that electrons revolve around the nucleus in discrete orbitals known as energy levels where electron doesn’t radiate energy, the electron can jump from one orbital to another after the atom gets energy. The number of electrons distributed in these orbitals are fixed in the form of 2n2 . He named these orbitals K,L,M, N…., maximum electrons accommodated by these orbitals are 2,8,18,32, further the atomic model is explained on the basis of quantum physics.

structure of atom


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Chapter 4-Structure of Atoms

Chapter 5-The fundamental unit of Life

The cell is the smallest functional and structural unit of our body it is that’s why the cell is the fundamental unit of life because all the functions of our body like respiration, catabolism, absorption, transportation, reproduction, etc are accomplished through the cell. The structure of plant and animal cells. The cells work in our body just as the manufacturing units and farmers do for a country. Here you will study different types of cells in our body as an example red blood corpuscles, white blood corpuscles, and platelets, nerve cell (neuron), kidney cell(nephrons).

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Chapter 5-Fundamental unit of Life

Chapter 6-Tissue

The tissue is a group of identical cells have the same function, all the organs in the animal are made of different type of tissues. In the animals, there are four types of tissues, epithelial tissue, connective tissue, muscular tissue, and nervous tissue. epithelial tissue forms covering the surfaces of the body and surfaces of organs, cavities, and lines, hollow organs. Epithelial tissue is the major tissue of the glands, epithelial tissue performs the function of protection, secretion, absorption, excretion, filtration, diffusion, and sensory reception. The role of connective tissue in the animal is of binding and supporting, protecting, insulating, storing reserve fuel, and transportation of substance within the body. Each type of muscular tissue has its specific role in our body, the skeletal muscle tissue moves bones and other structures, the cardiac muscle contracts the heart to pump the blood, the smooth muscle tissue forms the walls of the inner organ and facilitates the shape and movement. The brain, spinal cord, and the nerve is made of nervous tissue,the responsibility of nervous tissue is of coordination and control, nervous tissue stimulates muscle contraction, creates awareness about surroundings,it plays a major role in emotions, memory, and reasoning.

The plant tissues are classified as follows.

plant tissues

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Chapter 6-Tissue

Chapter 7-Diversity in Living Organism

In this chapter you will study the classification of animals and plants on the basis of their complexities, the classification of organisms will help the students to understand the steps of evolution in the earth. The organisms are classified into four kingdoms  Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plante, and Animalia. The cells are of two types prokaryotic and eukaryotic, prokaryotic cell is an undeveloped cell because it doesn’t have a nucleus eukaryotic cell has a well-defined nucleus and cell organelles,it is found in both unicellular and multicellular organism. The organism belongs to Monera has a single prokaryotic cell as example bacteria, cyanobacteria, blue-green algae, etc. The organism under Protista has a single eukaryotic cell,as example amoeba, euglena, paramecium etc. The organism belongs to Fungi doesn’t make their own food, they are saprotrophic means they get food from dead and decaying matter,as example yeast, mold, and mushroom. The organism from the smallest plant algae to the largest plant pine, eucalyptus are studied in Plantae,  All the organism from mosquito to the blue whale are studied in Animalia.

diversity in organisms


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Chapter 7- Diversity in Living Organism

Chapter 8-Motion

Here in chapter 8, you will study the difference between, displacement and distance, speed and velocity, acceleration, non-uniform and uniform motion. The main part of this chapter is three equation of motion, the first equation of motion deals with the relationship between final velocity, initial velocity, time, and acceleration i.e v = u+ at, where v is final velocity, u is initial velocity, a is acceleration and its time is taken. The second equation of motion is s = ut + (1/2)at², where s is the distance, u is initial velocity, a is acceleration and t is the time taken and the third equation is v² = u² + 2as, where s is the distance, u is initial velocity, a is acceleration. Here you will learn the verification of Newton’s three equations of motion through the velocity-time graph. The chapter is the basic chapter of the mechanics a branch of physics, so it is very important for the student to understand the concept of the chapter deeply so that they could clear the other chapters of physics in the  NCERT textbook.

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Chapter 1-Motion

Chapter 9-Force and Laws of Motion

Here in this chapter 9 the students will learn Newton’s three laws of motion, first law of motion states that any object remains in its own position until an external force is applied to it, first law of motion is also called the law of inertia since inertia is the property of an object to resist the change in itself, higher the mass higher the inertia. The second law states that force is proportional to the change in momentum of any object, it resulted in the equation F=ma, where F is the applied force,a is the acceleration,m is the mass of the object, this equation shows that mass is inversely proportional to the acceleration, the second law of motion clarifies that why the moon revolves around the earth and not the moon around the earth. The third equation of motion states that every action has equal and opposite reaction, the application of second law is applied to the propulsion of the rocket out of the earth. Here you will also study the conservation of momentum and how to evaluate the recoil velocity of a gun.

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 Chapter 9- Force and Laws of Motion

Chapter 10-Gravitation

All the heavenly bodies are under the impact of a balanced force, the kind of force responsible for balancing all the bodies in-universe is the universal law of gravitational force.It had been observed by Newton that the force between two objects is proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. The sun, the earth, the moon, and all planets are in their places because of this universal law of gravity. You will study here the relationship between small g and capital G (universal constant of gravitational force), the value of capital G= 6.67x 10-11 Newton kg-2m2, and small g = 9.8 m/s² . The force of buoyancy is the force exerted by a fluid on an object immersed into it. The Archimedes principle states that if an object is partially or completely immersed into fluid the force of buoyancy is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object. Here in this chapter, you will study the difference between thrust and pressure, the thrust is the reaction against a force and the pressure is the force or thrust per unit area.



The link for NCERT solution of the chapter is given below.

Chapter 10-Gravitation

Chapter 11-Work and Energy

Work is the product of force and displacement in the direction of force, W= F.d, where W is the work done, F is the force and d is the displacement. The work is also defined as the transfer of energy, there are different forms of energy, Solar energy, Nuclear energy, Sound energy, Chemical energy, mechanical energy, and electrical energy. Here you will study mechanical energy in detail, mechanical energy is the capacity of an object doing work in moving or static positions,it is of two kinds Potential energy and Kinetic energy, the potential energy of an object is the capacity of an object doing work in a specific and stationary position like stretched spring, the object at a certain height, the water behind the dam etc. The kinetic energy is the capacity of an object doing work in a moving condition, like a moving car, bullet shooted by a gun. Here you will also study power, power is the rate of doing work, it is measured in watt.

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Chapter 11-Work and Energy

Chapter 12-Sound

Sound is the form of the energy that is detected by our ear as a hearing sensation,here you will study the characteristic of the sounds frequency, amplitude, and wavelength,the frequency is vibration per second, the amplitude is the maximum displacement to a side of the mean position of the vibrating object. The wavelength is the distance covered in one vibration. The relationship between wavelength, frequency, and velocity is V= νλ. here you will study the application of ultrasonic waves in Sonar in determining the depth of sea and other applications of ultrasonic waves. The chapter consists of the anatomy of the humane ear.The waves are of two kinds longitudinal waves and transversal waves, the waves in which the direction of oscillations and propagation of waves are in the same direction known as longitudinal waves as example sound waves, compressions moving in a slinky, and the waves in which direction of oscillation and propagation of the waves are perpendicular to each other known as transversal waves as example ripples on the surface of the water, the vibration produced in guitar.



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Chapter 12-Sound

Chapter 13-Why do we fall ill

Our body is the best doctor of ours because it combats numerous of diseases inside us. The system of our body which fight against the diseases is known as the immune system, when our immune system falls weak in confronting the diseases then we fall ill. Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or ailments. There are four main types of diseases infectious diseases, deficiency diseases, hereditary diseases, and physiological diseases. In terms of duration, the diseases are of two kinds acute and chronic. Acute diseases spread rapidly and last for a shorter period while chronic disease lasts for a longer period and spread slowly. Communicable diseases are diseases that spread through the contacts and can take the form like COVID-19 pandemic. Non-communicable diseases can not spread through contact as example hypertension, COPD, asthma. Here you will study antibiotic that kills the bacteria but unable to kill viruses because the virus doesn’t have their own biochemical system, they use the machinery of the host cell to generate their breed, so they protect themself by the shield of the host cell. You will also study in this chapter principles of treatment and prevention.

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Chapter 13-Why do we fall ill?

Chapter 14-Natural Resources

Since the primitive age, humans have been using natural resources air, land, water, soil, forest for their survival. The modern human further explored the earth and found other natural resources coal, petroleum products, metals for fulfilling his requirement, and this is still continued in this age. The earth’s atmosphere contains 78% of nitrogen,21% of oxygen, and the rest of 1 % are carbon dioxide, argon, helium, krypton, methane, and water vapour. The industrialization in the earth has been leading day to day increase of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. The increasing pollution is minimizing the level of fresh air on the earth utilized by us. Water is the biggest natural resource in the earth,71 % of  earth surface is covered by the water while 2.5 % of water is potable and the rest is available in saline and ocean form. During the winter the maximum percentage of freshwater freezes that lead shortage of drinking water on the earth, so we are needed to control the use of water. The store of petroleum products on the earth is available only for the next 200 years and of coal is for the next 150 years. Here you will study the type of solutions, acid rain, the cause of soil erosion and its effects, water cycle and the steps of the water cycle, evaporation, transpiration, respiration, precipitation, percolation and absorption, nitrogen cycle involves the step, nitrogen fixation by lightning and bacteria, nitrification, ammonification, Denitrification, carbon cycle involves the steps, photosynthesis, respiration, decomposition, combustion, The greenhouse effects and its effects on global warming, the ozone layer.

natural sources


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Chapter 14-Natural Resources

Chapter 15-Improvement in Food Resources

All living organism from bacteria to blue whale needs food to stay alive, food provides energy to performs all life processes which are required for growth, development, and repair, we get our food from the plants and animal, with the increase of population we were needed to grow food production, this led to food revolutions in India, green revolution, white revolution, blue revolution,yellow revolution. In India on the bases of season two types of crops are there , Kharif and rabi, Kharif is summer season crop and is grown within June -October(rainy season) as example paddy, soybean, black and green grams, etc. Rabi crop is grown within November-April (winter) for example wheat, gram, pea, mustard, linseed, etc. You will study here improvement in crop yield, crop production improvement i.e nutrient management, irrigation, cropping pattern, type of manure and fertilizer, and sources of irrigation.

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Chapter 15-Improvement in Food Resources

Study sample papers and previous years question papers of 9 class  science and maths

Class 9- Science and Maths

Class 9 Physics Important Notes

What is the difference between Distance and Displacement

Difference between velocity and speed

Average Speed and Average velocity

Three equation of Motions

Three laws of motion

The second  law of motion

Recoil velocity of the gun

What is inertia?

Momentum: Definitions,units,formula and Uses in real life:Class 9 CBSE

The universal  law of gravitational force

What is the difference between mass and weight

Thrust and Pressure : Difference

Archimedes Principle: Complete detail

What is the difference between Work,Energy and Power: Class 9 CBSE

CBSE IX Class Science Sample Papers

Class 9 Chemistry Important Notes

Evaporation, Vapourization, and Latent heat

How does the water kept in an earthen pot become cold during summer?

What are the factors affecting evaporation?,

What is the difference between solution, colloid, and suspension?

What is the difference between the element and the compound?

Atom, Molecule, and Atomicity

Determining Valency, Net Charge and Molecular Formula

Mole concept

Molar mass,molecular mass and mole concept

If energy is conserved then why do we need to save it for future generations?

Class 9 Biology Important Notes

Difference between Animal cell and Plant Cell

Difference between Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum and Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum

Function and structure of Mitochondria

Class 9 Science Chapterwise NCERT Solutions and Important notes of Science

Structure and Function of Cell : Cell Biology

What are Chromosomes, DNA and Genes?

Types of plant tissues : Class 9 CBSE Notes

Animal Tissues : Class 9 Science CBSE

What is the green house effect?

E-books of physics,chemistry,biology ,maths and solutions of class 10 previous year’s question papers(click the link)

Class 10 Important Biology Notes

What is the importance of hormones?

Male and Female Reproductive System: Complete Anatomy for Grade 10 Students

The structure and anatomy of the Heart

Human digestive system structure and function

What is the difference between the homologous and analogous structure of organs

Modes of reproduction used by single organisms-Asexual reproductions

Anatomy of the Human brain-Class 10 CBSE

Ozone Layer and How it is Getting depleted.

Food chain and food web in an ecosystem

English Grammer

Antonyms and Synonyms Lists for The Preparation of CUET and other Entrance Exams

Download: Antonyms and Synonyms List

Direct and Indirect Narration rules Tenses wise and Sentences wise

Active Voice to Passive Voice Rules

Learn Tenses in English and translate Hindi sentences into English language

Download PDF-Learn Tenses in English and translate Hindi sentences into the English language

Download: PDFActive Voice to Passive Voice rules, tenses wise and sentences wise

Science and Maths NCERT solutions for Class 9 ,10 and 11 classes

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NCERT Solutions of Science and Maths for Class 9,10,11 and 12

NCERT Solutions for class 9 maths

Chapter 1- Number System Chapter 9-Areas of parallelogram and triangles
Chapter 2-Polynomial Chapter 10-Circles
Chapter 3- Coordinate Geometry Chapter 11-Construction
Chapter 4- Linear equations in two variables Chapter 12-Heron’s Formula
Chapter 5- Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry Chapter 13-Surface Areas and Volumes
Chapter 6-Lines and Angles Chapter 14-Statistics
Chapter 7-Triangles Chapter 15-Probability
Chapter 8- Quadrilateral

NCERT Solutions for class 9 science 

Chapter 1-Matter in our surroundings Chapter 9- Force and laws of motion
Chapter 2-Is matter around us pure? Chapter 10- Gravitation
Chapter3- Atoms and Molecules Chapter 11- Work and Energy
Chapter 4-Structure of the Atom Chapter 12- Sound
Chapter 5-Fundamental unit of life Chapter 13-Why do we fall ill ?
Chapter 6- Tissues Chapter 14- Natural Resources
Chapter 7- Diversity in living organism Chapter 15-Improvement in food resources
Chapter 8- Motion Last years question papers & sample papers

NCERT Solutions for class 10 maths

Chapter 1-Real number Chapter 9-Some application of Trigonometry
Chapter 2-Polynomial Chapter 10-Circles
Chapter 3-Linear equations Chapter 11- Construction
Chapter 4- Quadratic equations Chapter 12-Area related to circle
Chapter 5-Arithmetic Progression Chapter 13-Surface areas and Volume
Chapter 6-Triangle Chapter 14-Statistics
Chapter 7- Co-ordinate geometry Chapter 15-Probability
Chapter 8-Trigonometry

CBSE Class 10-Question paper of maths 2021 with solutions

CBSE Class 10-Half yearly question paper of maths 2020 with solutions

CBSE Class 10 -Question paper of maths 2020 with solutions

CBSE Class 10-Question paper of maths 2019 with solutions

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science

Chapter 1- Chemical reactions and equations Chapter 9- Heredity and Evolution
Chapter 2- Acid, Base and Salt Chapter 10- Light reflection and refraction
Chapter 3- Metals and Non-Metals Chapter 11- Human eye and colorful world
Chapter 4- Carbon and its Compounds Chapter 12- Electricity
Chapter 5-Periodic classification of elements Chapter 13-Magnetic effect of electric current
Chapter 6- Life Process Chapter 14-Sources of Energy
Chapter 7-Control and Coordination Chapter 15-Environment
Chapter 8- How do organisms reproduce? Chapter 16-Management of Natural Resources

NCERT Solutions for class 11 maths

Chapter 1-Sets Chapter 9-Sequences and Series
Chapter 2- Relations and functions Chapter 10- Straight Lines
Chapter 3- Trigonometry Chapter 11-Conic Sections
Chapter 4-Principle of mathematical induction Chapter 12-Introduction to three Dimensional Geometry
Chapter 5-Complex numbers Chapter 13- Limits and Derivatives
Chapter 6- Linear Inequalities Chapter 14-Mathematical Reasoning
Chapter 7- Permutations and Combinations Chapter 15- Statistics
Chapter 8- Binomial Theorem  Chapter 16- Probability

CBSE Class 11-Question paper of maths 2015

CBSE Class 11 – Second unit test of maths 2021 with solutions

NCERT solutions for class 12 maths

Chapter 1-Relations and Functions Chapter 9-Differential Equations
Chapter 2-Inverse Trigonometric Functions Chapter 10-Vector Algebra
Chapter 3-Matrices Chapter 11 – Three Dimensional Geometry
Chapter 4-Determinants Chapter 12-Linear Programming
Chapter 5- Continuity and Differentiability Chapter 13-Probability
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Chapter 8-Application of Integrals

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