
Future Study Point

NCERT Solutions Class 10 Science

class 10 science ncert solutions

NCERT Solutions Class 10 Science from chapter 1 to 16 is the most important input that helps the students in clearing the doubts of the complex topics and helps them in the preparation of class 10 board exams.NCERT Solutions of science class 10 will help you to check out your weak points and clear them by studying the solutions deeply.You can study NCERT Solutions of Science Class 10 free of cost given here chapter-wise solutions or you can download the following e-book in the form of PDF containing NCERT solutions and notes of all chapters of physics and chemistry in one place at the cost of Rs 20 only, the link is given below.

The NCERT solutions of science are explained by an expert of Future study point in such a way that every student can understand , the NCERT solutions of class 10 science are the most helpful tools to combat all hurdles in your way for the preparation of the CBSE board exam. These NCERT Solutions of Class 10 Science are useful not only for the CBSE board exams but also useful in the preparation of competitive entrance exams and for your future study in science. Here the NCERT solutions are given for each question of Class 10 Science NCERT textbook within the pages of each chapter and of back exercises.

NCERT Solutions of science are the best if you are preparing the government entrance exams like NDA, CDA, SSC, Bank PO/Clerk, an airman in Airforce, Seaman in Indian Navy, etc. or other professional entrance exams like B.ed, B.Tech.Polytechnic,BBA, MBA, BCA,MCA etc.The contents of NCERT books prescribed by CBSE for all classes is written in a systemic order, the student learns the new content quickly when upgraded to the higher class.

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The List of the Chapters with  NCERT  Science Solutions for  Class 10 

Chapter 1-Chemical reactions and equations

Chapter 2-Acids, Bases and Salts

Chapter 3-Metals and Non-Metals

Chapter 4- Carbon and its Compounds

Chapter 5-Periodic Classification of Elements

Chapter 6-Life Processes

Chapter 7-Control and Coordination

Chapter 8-How do Organism Reproduce

Chapter 9-Heredity and Evolution

Chapter 10-Light Reflection and Refraction

Chapter 11-The Humane Eye and Colourful World

Chapter 12-Electricity

Chapter 13-Magnetic Effect of Electric Current

Chapter 14-Sources of Energy

Chapter 15-Our Environment

Chapter 16-Sustainable Management of Natural Resources

Download our e-books of NCERT solutions for class 10 Science in PDF

Chemistry and Physics NCERT solutions and notes are written in one place ,you can get its print out for the preparations of the CBSE board 2020-21.

E-Book: Class 10 Physics and Chemistry NCERT Solutions and notes

NCERT solutions of class 10 science

Chapter 1- Chemical reactions and equations Chapter 9- Heredity and Evolution
Chapter 2- Acid, Base and Salt Chapter 10- Light reflection and refraction
Chapter 3- Metals and Non-Metals Chapter 11- Human eye and colorful world
Chapter 4- Carbon and its Compounds Chapter 12- Electricity
Chapter 5-Periodic classification of elements Chapter 13-Magnetic effect of electric current
Chapter 6- Life Process Chapter 14-Sources of Energy
Chapter 7-Control and Coordination Chapter 15-Environment
Chapter 8-How do organism reproduce Chapter 16-Management of Natural Resources

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NCERT Solutions of Class 10 Science

Chapter 1-Chemical reactions and equations:

The chapter 1 of class 10 science NCERT text book is a basic chapter of chemistry,in this chapter the students will learn the way of writing a chemical reactions and balancing it,the type of chemical reactions (i) Combination reaction and Exothermic reaction (ii) Decomposition reaction and Endothermic reaction (iii) Displacement reaction (iv) Double displacement reaction (v) Oxidation ad Reduction and Redox reaction .Te student will also learn in this chapter about the effect of chemical reactions in our daily life as an example corrosion and rancidity. Here the solutions of 28 questions which are mentioned within the pages of chapter 1 and in the back exercise are well explained by the subject expert,through these solutions and some of the notes the students would be able to clear the concept of whole chapters easily.

The link  of NCERT solutions and notes are given below

Chapter 1- Chemical reactions and equations(NCERT solutions)

Type of Chemical Reactions with Complete detail(Notes)

NCERT Solutions of Class 10 Science

Chapter 2-Acids, Bases and Salts:

The most of chemicals in our every day life either Acids,Bases or Salts,here in this chapter 2,the students will learn the chemical properties of the Acids, Bases and Salts like the reaction of Acids and Bases with metals, reaction of Acids with metal carbonate(i.e Na2CO3) and metal hydrogen carbonate (i.e NaHCO3),the neutralization reaction i.e the reaction of Acid and Base with each other,Reaction of metallic oxides with acids,Reaction of non-metalic oxide with base, the common properties of Acids and Bases, the impact when Acids and Bases mixes with water,measuring the strength of Acids and Bases throgh pH scale, properties of pH in everyday life,uses of different type of salts like Sodium hydroxide(NaOH), Bleaching powder(CaOCl2),Baking soda(NaHCO3), Washing Soda(Na2CO3), Plaster of Paris(CaSO4.1/2 H2O) and crystalization of salt(i.e CuSO4.5H2)

The link of NCERT Solutions and notes are given below

Chapter 2- Acid, Base and Salt(NCERT Solutions)

Chemical properties of Acid and Bases-A note for grade 10 students

What is pH value and its importance in everyday life.(complete Notes)

Notes on important salts

NCERT Solutions of Class 10 Science

Chapter 3-Metals and Non-Metals:

The elements existing all around us classified as Metals and Non-Metals, it is easier to group the elements Metals and Non-Metals by observing their physical properties since most of the elements which are gases are called Non-elements except to carbon and rests of the solid substances are Metals. In this chapter -Metals, and Non-Metals the students will learn physical and chemical properties of the elements like the reaction of metals with oxygen, water, and acids, the reaction of metals with a solution of other metal salts,the Reactivity series of metals, the reaction of metals with non-metals, properties of ionic compounds, the occurrence of metals, extraction of metals, enrichment of ores, extracting metals which are low,in the middle and at the top of activity series, refining of metals, the impact of chemical reactions on metals in our everyday life like corrosion and its prevention.

The link of NCERT Solutions are given below

Chapter 3- Metals and Non-Metals

Extraction of metals as per the activity series

What are the physical and chemical properties of metals?

Ionic and covalant compounds

NCERT Solutions of Class 10 Science

Chapter 4- Carbon and its Compounds:

The affinity of carbon atom is to combine with a hydrogen atom and its catenation properties lead to the formation of maximum compounds in the world belong to organic compounds. Here, in this chapter 4-Carbon and its Compounds, the students will learn the formation of the covalent bond, the Versatile nature of carbon, Saturated and unsaturated carbonic compounds, the type of carbonic compounds based on their structures i.e Chains, Branched and Rings, the functional group of carbon atoms, if this group of atoms substitutes the carbon atoms of a particular family of carbonic compounds then each member posses the same property known as homologous series as an example OH substitutes the carbon atoms of alkane then all members transforms into alcohol. Here in this chapter, the students would be able to learn the basics of organic chemistry that is the nomenclature of carbonic compounds, most important aspect of this chapter for examination point view is the chemical properties of carbon compounds like combustion, oxidation, addition reaction, substitution reaction, properties of ethanol and ethanoic acids i.e saponification, esterification and cleaning action of soap and detergent.

The link of NCERT Solutions  are given below

Chapter 4- Carbon and its Compounds

NCERT Solutions of Class 10 Science

Chapter 5-Periodic Classification of Elements:

The number of elements known to us so far are 114, all the elements have different physical and chemical properties, there are certain sets of elements whose properties resemble each other, so the scientist classified the whole set of elements on the basis of their properties that makes them predict the formation of the compound during a chemical reaction. In this chapter 5-Periodic classification of elements, the students will learn about the different type of theories of classification of elements like Dobereiner’s Triads in which he arranged the elements with similar properties into the group of 3 elements in increasing order of their atomic masses and found the atomic mass of the middle element is average atomic masses of other two elements, such a group of elements is known as Dobereiner’s Triads, but this concept of classification was true only for first 9 elements known at that time, then Newland further studied the properties of elements he arranged the elements in their increasing order of atomic masses and found that properties of every 8th element are similar to that of the first element, it is known as Newland’s law of Octaves but this theory of Newland could have become useful up to 56 elements, the discovered onwards don’t fit into the Law of Octaves.

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Mendeleev’s and Modern periodic table: Mendeleev arranged the elements in the order of their increasing atomic masses and found that the properties of elements are the periodic function of their atomic masses. This theory was advanced than the previous theory, Mendeleev arranged the periodic table of elements in the form of 8 groups and 7 periods, arranging this table Mendeleev left some gaps in his periodic table and boldly predicted the existence of some elements that had not been discovered at that time.

Henery Moseley showed that the atomic number of an element is a more fundamental property than the atomic mass of the element so with reference to it scientist proposed a theory of classification of the elements that the properties of elements are the periodic function of their atomic number, in modern periodic table scientist arranged the periodic table into 18 vertical columns known as groups and 7 horizontal rows known as periods.

The link of NCERT Solutions are given below

Chapter 5-Periodic classification of elements

NCERT Solutions of Class 10 Science

Chapter 6-Life Processes:

The processes in the body of the organism that makes him alive as example nutrition, respiration, digestions, circulation, excretion etc. In this chapter, all type of life processes are described as the type of nutrition autotrophic nutrition, heterotrophic nutrition, nutrition in human being, respiration process and its types like aerobic respiration, anaerobic respiration, and respiration in the lack of oxygen, here in chapter 6 the students will also study transportation in human beings in which they will learn blood vessels like artery in which pureblood(oxygenated blood) flows from the heart to all parts of body and veins which carries (deoxygenated blood) from all parts of the body to the heart and capillaries, the veins and arteries become thinner for supplying pure blood to each cell and carrying impure blood to from each cell, these thinner veins and arteries are called capillaries. Here in this chapter, you can also study the transportation of food and water in plants. The xylem cells in the roots absorb water and nutrition and conduct both of these to another xylem cells and this is the way how nutrients and water reaches to leaves, food prepared by the leaves is transported to all other parts through the phloem tissue. The students will learn one of the important life process excretions in human beings and plants.

The link of NCERT Solutions  are given below

Chapter 6- Life Process

The structure & anatomy of the heart

NCERT Solutions of Class 10 Science

Chapter 7-Control and Coordination:

In the chapter 7-Control and Coordination, you will study how do all the activities in our body are controlled by our brain, the system of the brain and spinal cord together build up our nervous system that is responsible to fulfill all the activities in our body like it controls voluntary and involuntary muscles, the function of all senses, taste, smell, hearing, touch, and vision. The nervous system also controls the release of different kinds of hormones and chemicals in different situations. Here the students will learn reflex action, structure, and anatomy of the human brain.The plant doesn’t have brain and muscles but still, they are capable to grow themself , the concept will be cleared when you study Coordination in plants, plants have the ability to respond to the stimulus like sunlight, water etc.that’s why plants are diversified in a wide range.You can also study here hormones in animals,the activity of all the animal is controlled by the chemical formation in the body that is controlled by the brain known as hormones even plants also have hormone it is that’s why they grow.

The link of NCERT Solutions and notes are given below

Chapter 7-Control and Coordination(NCERT Solutions)

Anatomy of the Humane brain-Class 10 CBSE(Notes)

NCERT Solutions of Class 10 Science

Chapter 8-How do Organism Reproduce

In this chapter the students will learn copying of DNA from one generation to the next generation, DNA contains the information of inheritance of an organism in the form of protein, when reproduction takes place its exact copies doesn’t transfer to the reproduced cells, the variation occurs, there is a slight change, it’s that’s why son doesn’t look exactly like his father. The variation in DNA is a must in the living organism that fits him, survival in changing the environment around him. Here you will also learn modes of transport used by a single organism known as asexual reproduction like fission in amoeba, fragmentation in spirogyra, regeneration, budding, vegetative propagation, and spore formation. Here you will study the sexual mode of reproduction and why is it more protective for the survival of the organism, sexual reproduction in flowering plants, reproduction in Human beings, male reproductive system, female reproductive system.

Chapter 8- How do organisms reproduce?

NCERT Solutions of Class 10 Science

Chapter 9-Heredity and Evolution

In this chapter -Heredity, and Evolution, you will learn how does the character of organisms transfer from one generation to another generation, Gregor John Mendel through his experiments on pea plants extracted the rules for the inheritance of traits. Mendel, through his two laws, concluded to get three laws of inheritance, the Law of Dominance, Law of Segregation, Law of Independent Assortment. In this chapter -Heredity, and Evolution, you will study sex determination of newborn baby, in the human body there are 22 pair of chromosomes in which all information of inheritance exists but one pair of chromosome exist for the development of sex determination, so in total there are 23 pair of chromosomes, the 23 rd pair is not a perfect pair since the woman has perfect pair of XX but men have not perfect pair, they have X Y  chromosomes, so the child is male or female, it is determined by the chromosomes of man, if during fertilization man’s X pairs with woman’s X, the female zygote is produced and if X of woman pairs to Y of man then the male zygote XY is formed. The evolution of organisms is the consequence of an error in DNA copying and as a result of reproduction. The traits are of two kinds of acquired traits and inherited traits, the traits acquired by the organism from the surroundings are known as acquired traits and the traits transferred to next generation from the parents are known as inherited traits.You will also study in this chapter speciation, evaluation, and classification, tracing evolutionary relationship, fossils, evolution by stages, Human evolutions.

Chapter 9- Heredity and Evolution

NCERT Solutions of Class 10 Science

Chapter 10-Light Reflection and Refraction:

Light is the energy and the biggest source of light energy on the earth is the Sun,here in the chapter 10-light reflection and refraction, you will study the phenomena of light like the reflection of light and rules of reflection. We will study here the image formation of the object by the spherical mirrors concave and convex mirrors, uses of the concave and convex lense, sign convention for reflection by spherical mirrors, mirror formula and magnification. You will also study in this chapter another phenomena of light Refraction, refraction through a rectangular glass slab, laws of refraction, the refractive index, refraction by spherical lenses concave and convex, the image formation by lense, lense formula and magnification and power of lense.

The link of NCERT Solutions and notes are given below

Chapter 10- Light reflection and refraction

Special notes-Refraction, refraction,dispersion, and scattering of light(Notes)

NCERT Solutions of Class 10 Science

Chapter 11-The Humane Eye and Colourful World

The human eye is one of the most valuable and sensitive sense organs in the world, power of accommodation is the efficiency of the human eye in seeing the objects near and far, here you will study the defects of vision myopia(nearsightedness), hypermetropia(farsightedness) and presbyopia, refraction of light through a prism, dispersion of white light by a glass prism, atmospheric refraction, the phenomena behind the twinkling of stars, scattering of light,Tyndall effect, why is the colour of sky blue? the cause of the sun looks red at Sunrise and Sunset.

The link of NCERT Solutions and notes are given below

Chapter 11- Human eye and colorful world

Special notes-Structure and function of human eye

Special note-Myopia, Hypermetropia and Presbyopia

NCERT Solutions of Class 10 Science

Chapter 12-Electricity

Chapter 12 -Electricity is the second most important chapter of CBSE class 10 science after the chapter 10-light reflection and refraction.  It is the biggest man made resource of the energy on the earth but don’t forget we are needed other sources of energy to produce it. Here in this chapter, you will study electric current and circuit, electric potential and potential difference, circuit diagram, Ohm’s law, resistivity, type of combination of electric circuit series and parallel, the heating effect of electric current, and practical application of the heating effect of electric current and electric power.

The link of NCERT Solutions and notes are given below

Chapter 12- Electricity

Complete detail of electrical resistance and conductance(Notes)

Electric Current and Heating effect of Electric Current(Notes)

NCERT Solutions of Class 10 Science

Chapter 13-Magnetic Effect of Electric Current

This is the chapter in which students will understand the relationship between electric field and magnetic field, magnetic field lines, magnetic field due to a current-carrying conductor, Right-hand thumb rule, magnetic field due to a current through a circular loop, magnetic field due to a current in a solenoid, the force on a current-carrying conductor in a magnetic field, Fleming’s left-hand rule, electric motor, electromagnetic induction, electric generator, and domestic electric circuits.

The link for notes of the chapter is given below

Chapter 13-Magnetic effect of electric current

NCERT Solutions of Class 10 Science

Chapter 14-Sources of Energy

Chapter 14-Sources of energy is for awaring the students about sources of energy which are classified into conventional and non-conventional sources of energy. Conventional source of energy is derived from the resources which are limited in the earth and their continue exhaustion finish them out of the earth as an example fossil fuel like coal and petroleum while non-conventional energy is derived from the resources which are unlimited in stock of the earth as an example wind energy, solar energy, tidal energy, wave energy, ocean thermal energy, geothermal energy, and nuclear energy. The sources of energy like fossil fuel release carbon dioxide, methane increases carbon level on the earth and is the biggest cause of pollution, it is minimized by the use of CNG.

The sources of energy conventional and non-conventional are also termed as non-renewable and renewable,as the conventional sources of energy can not be regenerated and non-conventional sources of energy can be regenerated.

Chapter 14-Sources of Energy

NCERT Solutions of Class 10 Science

Chapter 15-Our Environment

In the nature plants and animals mutually depend on each other,plant releases oxygen and used by animals, animals releases carbondioxide that is used by the plants in photosynthesis, the microbes in the soil convert atmospheric nitrogen into compounds of nitrogen that is absorbed by the plants, the animal gets the food from the plants ,animal dies ,its decomposition enriched the soil by the nutrients and  absorbed by the plants There are natural cycles of the formation of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon and water. The human activities are damaging the environment by disturbing the natural cycle of the essential substances for the survival of animals and plants, so  global summits involving developed and developing countries are regularly held so that we could live in a healthy environment.

The chapter 15-Our Environment is for awaring the students about the eco-system and its component,food chains and webs,human activities in damaging environment, ozon layer and its depletion, recycling of the garbage we produce.

The link of NCERT Solutions is given below

Chapter 15-Environment

Ozone Layer and How it is Getting depleted(Note)

NCERT Solutions of Class 10 Science

Chapter 16-Sustainable Management of Natural Resources:

The Chapter 16-Sustainable Management of Natural Resources is for connecting the students to the technics of management of natural resources,as an example three R, Reduce,Recycle and Reuse.

Reduce: This means minimising the use of the resources or using them as per the requirement,if their leaky taps, we can save water by repairing that.We can save electricity by switching off unecessarry light and bulbs.

Recycle: We can recycle plastics, papers, glass and metals, so we must seggregate the wastes so that the material that can be recycled is not dumped along with other wastes.

Reuse ; This is better than recycling because recycling of the material is required the some use of the energy,so we shouldn’t throw the plastic bottle,glass jar,cloths,gallons,plastic bags etc, all of these things can be reused.

The main purpose of this chapter is to drag attention of the student to conservation of resources. Using the resources keeping in view the future requirements of the next human generation. In terms of the usage of resources, the development is of two kinds one is sustainable and non-sustainable development.

The sustenance development: The kind of development accomplished in keeping view of future needs and without disturbing the natural resources is known as sustainable development as an example if we rebuild up a house without using additional resources or the development by means of renewable resources are the example of sustainable development.

Unsustainable development:The kind of development without compromising the future needs is known as unsustainable development,if a city is established substituting a village, this is unsustainable development because in building a city, the construction of building and roads needs natural resources like plants, soil, etc that will disturb our echo system.

The link of NCERT Solutions is given below.

Chapter 16-Management of Natural Resources

Class 10 Chemistry Important Notes

How to Balance the Chemical Reaction :Class 10 Chapter 1 NCERT

Important salts class 10 CBSE sceience notes

Why do calcium and magnesium float on the surface of the water?

Functioning of Soda-Acid Fire Extinguisher

What is DDT?

What are Corrosion and Rancidity ?

Chemical properties of Acid and Bases-A note for grade 10 students

What is pH value and its importance in everyday life.

Type of Chemical Reactions with Complete detail

What are the physical and chemical properties of metals?

Extraction of metals as per the activity series

Trends in the property of element from left to right and up to down in the modern periodic table.

Ionic and covalent compounds and the difference between them

What is the difference between the soap and the detergent ?

Class 10 chemistry Viva Voce Questions and Answers for CBSE Board 2020-21

Class 10 Physics Important Notes

What is the difference between virtual and real images?,

Image formation by Convex and Concave Mirrors,

Difference between Convex and Concave lenses,

Why does the sky look blue?,

Why does the Sun appear reddish in the evening and morning: Complete Detail

Reflection, Refraction, Dispersion, and Scattering

Why do the star twinkle?

Image formation by Convex and Concave Lenses,

What are the refractive index, relative refractive index, absolute refractive index, critical angle, and internal reflection?,

Human Eye – Structure and functions 

Myopia, Hypermetropia, and Presbyopia

Electric Current and Heating effect of Electric Current

What is a potential difference across an electric field ?

Complete detail of electrical resistance and conductance

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Class 10 Physics Viva Voce Questions for CBSE Board 2020-21

Buy Class 10 physics and chemistry notes-e-book at the price of Rs 50

Class 10 Important Biology Notes

What is the importance of hormones?

Male and Female Reproductive System: Complete Anatomy for Grade 10 Students

The structure and anatomy of the Heart

Human digestive system structure and function

What is the difference between the homologous and analogous structure of organs

Modes of reproduction used by single organisms-Asexual reproductions

Anatomy of the Human brain-Class 10 CBSE

Ozone Layer and How it is Getting depleted.

Food chain and food web in an ecosystem

English Grammer

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NCERT Solutions of Science and Maths for Class 9,10,11 and 12

NCERT Solutions for class 9 maths

Chapter 1- Number System Chapter 9-Areas of parallelogram and triangles
Chapter 2-Polynomial Chapter 10-Circles
Chapter 3- Coordinate Geometry Chapter 11-Construction
Chapter 4- Linear equations in two variables Chapter 12-Heron’s Formula
Chapter 5- Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry Chapter 13-Surface Areas and Volumes
Chapter 6-Lines and Angles Chapter 14-Statistics
Chapter 7-Triangles Chapter 15-Probability
Chapter 8- Quadrilateral

NCERT Solutions for class 9 science 

Chapter 1-Matter in our surroundings Chapter 9- Force and laws of motion
Chapter 2-Is matter around us pure? Chapter 10- Gravitation
Chapter3- Atoms and Molecules Chapter 11- Work and Energy
Chapter 4-Structure of the Atom Chapter 12- Sound
Chapter 5-Fundamental unit of life Chapter 13-Why do we fall ill ?
Chapter 6- Tissues Chapter 14- Natural Resources
Chapter 7- Diversity in living organism Chapter 15-Improvement in food resources
Chapter 8- Motion Last years question papers & sample papers

NCERT Solutions for class 10 maths

Chapter 1-Real number Chapter 9-Some application of Trigonometry
Chapter 2-Polynomial Chapter 10-Circles
Chapter 3-Linear equations Chapter 11- Construction
Chapter 4- Quadratic equations Chapter 12-Area related to circle
Chapter 5-Arithmetic Progression Chapter 13-Surface areas and Volume
Chapter 6-Triangle Chapter 14-Statistics
Chapter 7- Co-ordinate geometry Chapter 15-Probability
Chapter 8-Trigonometry

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NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science

Chapter 1- Chemical reactions and equations Chapter 9- Heredity and Evolution
Chapter 2- Acid, Base and Salt Chapter 10- Light reflection and refraction
Chapter 3- Metals and Non-Metals Chapter 11- Human eye and colorful world
Chapter 4- Carbon and its Compounds Chapter 12- Electricity
Chapter 5-Periodic classification of elements Chapter 13-Magnetic effect of electric current
Chapter 6- Life Process Chapter 14-Sources of Energy
Chapter 7-Control and Coordination Chapter 15-Environment
Chapter 8- How do organisms reproduce? Chapter 16-Management of Natural Resources

NCERT Solutions for class 11 maths

Chapter 1-Sets Chapter 9-Sequences and Series
Chapter 2- Relations and functions Chapter 10- Straight Lines
Chapter 3- Trigonometry Chapter 11-Conic Sections
Chapter 4-Principle of mathematical induction Chapter 12-Introduction to three Dimensional Geometry
Chapter 5-Complex numbers Chapter 13- Limits and Derivatives
Chapter 6- Linear Inequalities Chapter 14-Mathematical Reasoning
Chapter 7- Permutations and Combinations Chapter 15- Statistics
Chapter 8- Binomial Theorem  Chapter 16- Probability

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NCERT solutions for class 12 maths

Chapter 1-Relations and Functions Chapter 9-Differential Equations
Chapter 2-Inverse Trigonometric Functions Chapter 10-Vector Algebra
Chapter 3-Matrices Chapter 11 – Three Dimensional Geometry
Chapter 4-Determinants Chapter 12-Linear Programming
Chapter 5- Continuity and Differentiability Chapter 13-Probability
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